Awaiting Glory
Scripture Text: Philippians 3:13–21
At his coming, Christ will glorify our bodies until they correspond to his own immortal, glorious body, doing all this quite without the help of our works.
At his coming, Christ will glorify our bodies until they correspond to his own immortal, glorious body, doing all this quite without the help of our works.
Today's online Scripture jigsaw From the Word 5 This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be made worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering — 6 since indeed God deems it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, 7 and to grant rest with us to you who are afflicted, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, ...
The last day will come and people will not expect it, even though that day is at the door. Told that these are signs of the last day, still they will not believe.
We must know the meaning of Christ’s words: “This is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life.”
To overcome unrest, discontent, and disgust in one's self, a firm faith in God is necessary, for such a faith faith brings rest, contentment and peace.
We think we are safe begin to drift when we should fear God, always being concerned for our spiritual condition, so that we pray, "Lord, increase our faith."
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
May the Spirit of Christ move in you so that you might fear, love, and trust his Father and desire to stand before him in heaven in all his glorious majesty.
The Holy Spirit moves the heart to begin again to love each day. Christ is full of grace and truth, and through him grace and truth grow in us.
The gospel should not be preached in a corner, but before all people, whether or not we feel it effective, for it alone has the power to save.
When tempted, a wise man is watchful, not relying on human knowledge, reason, or feelings, but he remembers God’s Word, and is guided thereby.
The present time is unquestionably good and golden as long as the gospel of Jesus Christ is faithfully preached and received.
It was no easy matter to believe that the whole human race was to perish, so the world judged Noah to be a dolt for believing such things and ridiculed him.
Regarding our neighbor's condition as our own, we should take upon ourselves their burdens, sins, and imperfections, and bear with them and help them to reform.
The world will not allow that it must stand before judgment, but rages against God. Let us take heed that the wrath of God may not also sweep us away.
The righteousness of the law cannot provide confidence of mind. What does avail is God’s imputation of righteousness for Christ’s sake through faith.
"There is a twofold reason for you to receive the Lord’s Supper. It means gratitude and praise for Christ, and grace and solace for yourself."
The one who trusts in God will rejoice even if the whole world should burst upon his head. Such a person would stand unmoved amid the falling ruins.
"We need to cling to God and pray: Merciful God, thou hast permitted me to become a Christian, help me to continue to be one and to increase daily in faith".
If you would change the world, believe, preach, and live the gospel. This is how God has subdued the nations and you, through his Word. Go!
The external word or preaching is a means through which we receive God's grace, the forgiveness of sins, and the righteousness of Christ.
The entire Scriptures were written for our learning. All Christians should make daily use of this book filled with God's word through which they find comfort.
Pure and strong faith requires one to cast away all feelings, understanding, and reason, to trust in Christ's word, be satisfied with it, and feel secure in it.
So far as the Holy Supper is a confession before men, the communicant proclaims Christ and teaches faith in him, spreading the kingdom of Christ.
God laughs at us, at our attempts to triumph through our works, our politics, our religion. He mocks these human attempts at overcoming the troubles of life.