Concerning the Mass – part 81

Scripture Text: Colossians 3:12–17

It is a tightrope. We are taught to be patient and gentle, loving one another with humility and forgiveness. At the same time, we are to admonish one another from the Scripture.

Concerning the Mass – part 80

Scripture Text: Romans 3:21–26

The righteousness of faith is a most blessed, gracious gift of God. Through this righteousness, we honor him and possess a constant comfort against sin and death.

Concerning the Mass – part 79

Scripture Text: Judges 2:12–13

If you think that salvation is earned by the works you do, you either have become your own god or you have followed another false god. If you are able to save yourself from judgment by doing certain have become your own god.

Concerning the Mass – part 78

Scripture Text: 1 Peter 1:8–9

Aerius was a fourth century bishop of Sabaste in Pontus (modern day Sivas in the Black Sea area of Turkey). His teachings about offerings for the dead not being part of the Mass labeled his as a heretic by most of the church.

Concerning the Mass – part 77

Scripture Text: John 4:23–24

Worship in the New Testament is done “in spirit and truth.” This kind of worship means that the active agent is the Spirit of God—not us. Our works do not count for anything.

Concerning the Mass – part 76

Scripture Text: Psalm 50:14–15

The ancients never intended to deliver the patriarch, prophets, and apostles from a so-called purgatory. They only wished to offer up thanks together with them for the blessings that have been given to them and to us,

Concerning the Mass – part 75

Scripture Text: Deuteronomy 4:2

Why is Scripture, or the Word of God, so important? Why is its authority paramount? It is the only objective way we have of knowing who God is, and of discerning his will among the countless voices demanding our attention.

Concerning the Mass – part 74

Scripture Text: Colossians 2:13–14

Using the Sacrament in a way that Christ did not intend, abuses and profanes his Holy Supper. Offering his blessed promises to the dead and to those who do not believe makes it an occasion for sin and judgment.

Concerning the Mass – part 72

Scripture Text: Romans 5:1–2

Ceremonies and rituals are nice. But a ceremony or a ritual is not fine in and of itself. For example, if I go through the motions of living with my wife but do not believe that she loves me, consider the relational benefits alone that are absent to me.

Concerning the Mass – part 71

Scripture Text: Exodus 20:7

It is obvious that there is no verse of Scripture that would have us celebrate the sacrament in such a way that it promises benefits those who are dead.

Concerning the Mass – part 70

Scripture Text: Romans 12:1–2

The word “bodies,” used in nearly every English translation of Romans 12:1, does not mean body in the way we think. The Greek somata means more than the physical.

Concerning the Mass – part 69

Scripture Text: Matthew 21:21–22

There are many fine collections of prayers available. If a person reads those prayers but does not believe in God, are they effective prayers?

Concerning the Mass – part 68

Scripture Text: Hebrews 10:11–14

The origin and therefore, original meaning of the term “Mass” is widely disputed. That it originates in the Latin word missa is not disputed. That word means “sending” or “dismissal.”

Concerning the Mass – part 67

Scripture Text: Acts 2:42

So, we have come to see that the liturgy of the Church is not a sacrifice at all. It is the whole service of worship that is done for the good of all present.

Concerning the Mass – part 66

Scripture Text: Romans 12:1

The sacrifice, or re-sacrifice, of Christ is not to be added to Holy Communion. It cannot be added, since it has already been accomplished. However, we may add our own sacrifice...

Concerning the Mass – part 65

Scripture Text: Psalm 116:12–13

Liturgy does not mean sacrifice. It never meant that in secular Greek and in biblical Greek it is a word related to the ministry of the Church. The term “liturgy” means a required, public service that is of benefit to others.

Concerning the Mass – part 64

Scripture Text: 1 Corinthians 11:26

Though some call it the sacrifice of the Mass, it still would not mean that this service of thanksgiving, or Eucharist, bestows God’s grace upon people whether they have faith in him or not.

Concerning the Mass – part 63

Scripture Text: Hebrews 11:6

Faith is the byword of the Lutheran Reformation. The Church could only be reformed, shaped back to what it was meant to be, through faith in God. Each person receives forgiveness when they have faith in the forgiving God.

Concerning the Mass – part 62

Scripture Text: Romans 1:17

In Confession and Absolution, we are to carefully consider our sins. We stare squarely into our souls and see who we truly are, and recognize that we are sinners.

Concerning the Mass – part 61

Scripture Text: Luke 22:19–20

Do your sins torment you? Go to the forgiver of sin. Do you fear eternal death? Go to the source of life. Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Then go to the table where the righteousness of another is served.

Concerning the Mass – part 60

Scripture Text: Hebrews 13:10–15

Faith is the very thing that determines the right to eat at the Lord’s table. A person must first examine himself to see whether he has faith to eat and drink.

Concerning the Mass – part 58

Scripture Text: Romans 2:25–29

The New Testament teaches that the highest form of worship happens within, spiritually, in the heart. One may do all the outward, religious services but do so with a corrupt heart.

Concerning the Mass – part 57

Scripture Text: Mark 9:23–24

The Word has been given to reveal God and arouse faith in him. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was instituted so that, in remembering Christ, that faith may be strengthened.

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