Concerning Love and the Fulfilling of the Law – part 105
Scripture Text: Hebrews 10:38-11:1
Faith is not a mere intellectual understanding of God. Many people believe there is a God but they neither know who he is nor put their trust in him.
Faith is not a mere intellectual understanding of God. Many people believe there is a God but they neither know who he is nor put their trust in him.
If you would be righteous, you must live by faith (Hab 2:4; Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38). For if you imagine that you can be righteous by being virtuous and religious, then you are misguided by conceit.
Hope believes even when the situation appears hopeless. Abraham was confronted with an utterly hopeless situation.
If you are looking for something that you must do, some righteous work that gains eternal life, there is only one thing necessary. Believe in Christ Jesus.
Jesus took our sin upon himself and died with it on the cross. When our sin was transferred to Christ, his righteousness was assigned to us through faith in him.
We cannot reason our way to God or become justified before him because we have come to some intellectual understanding of divinity.
Surveys are often filled out by a person who marks the box, “Christian.” Often what this means is that the person thinks there is a God.
Christ came to the law keepers first, to show the truth of God’s promises. God fulfilled those promises in the Messiah by fulfilling the law for them, something which they could not accomplish.
What a blessing it is to be assured of eternity. Jesus gave us this assurance when he said that whoever believes his word and in the one who sent him has eternal life.
What a burden it is to fulfill the law on our own. Who can keep the law? Is there anyone who can satisfy the demands of the law?
Sometimes, even the simplest things are spun into complexities, the clearest teaching of Christ turned to sophistry, the clarity of orthodoxy twisted to heresy.
We are made children of God through his grace. We were not born to his house but have been reborn and adopted by his merciful will (Eph 1:5). Therefore we have hope.
I never understood why the rules of baseball allow a pinch runner. A coach is allowed to substitute a faster runner and remove the slower runner from the game. That does not seem fair.
Jesus warned keepers of the law that the wrath of God was coming (Matt 3:7). The Pharisees already did not like Jesus, and this did not make them any happier.
“Look toward heaven.” When we look to ourselves, we tend to get in trouble. Initially, Abram believed God’s promise of a son.
It is good to be reminded and to have the point driven home again and again. For we are easily led astray, imagining that we must do something to reconcile God, since we imagine he must be angry about our sins.
We inherit the kingdom through faith, just as an orphan receives a new family. When a child is adopted, she must follow her new family through the orphanage doors.
The word “atonement” translated in Romans 5:11 in the Geneva and King James versions is abandoned in subsequent New Testament translations...
God wants us to live lives that reflect his own holiness and are in keeping with the regeneration that comes to us through faith.
It is not the severity of our religious observances or the long list of our good works over a lifetime that makes us fit and worthy for the kingdom of God.
The Scriptures are very clear. We believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ by the grace of God. We are God’s children because he has chosen us, not because we have chosen him.
How may one know that they are forgiven of their sins, reborn, and are now children of God? Can this be determined because one has always lived correctly?
We are to produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Matt 3:8; Luke 3:8). Yet we do not pin our hope of salvation upon these works.
All things are clean to you if you are clean within and without, bathed on the inside and the outside, washed in faith and in action.
If you are not clean on the inside, your outside will never be clean, despite regular religious washings. These outward ceremonies do not cleanse the person who is unclean within.